Wiggly Worms 2023-2024

Welcome to the Wiggly Worms Class!
We are a Foundation 2 class. Our teacher is Miss Airton and our teaching assistant is Mrs Naceur. Miss Leivers and Mrs Newbold also helps us with our learning. 
A typical day in the Wiggly Worms Class involves Phonics, Maths and Literacy carpet sessions and lots of discovery time to play and explore our learning environment both inside and outside. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays and we come to school in our PE kits. 
Our current theme is "All about me / Starting school" where we are talking about our feelings, establishing rules and routines, talking about our family and pets and looking at the local area that we live in. 
The Autumn term plan below will tell you more about our learning.