School Dinners, Milk and Fruit

School Meals       The website for additional information including ingredients and allergy information is

Children have a cooked meal, school made sandwiches or bring their own sandwiches. A child either has sandwiches or dinners for one term at a time. We cannot cater for children swapping daily as we order dinners in advance.

For additional information visit

School Dinners/Sandwiches

A midday meal is available for all children attending school. Due to recent changes there is no charge for a School meal or School sandwich but they must be ordered termly in advance.The meal has been carefully planned so that it is balanced and healthy and is of a high standard. Weekly menus are displayed in the school hall and the main Entrance. We operate a family dining system which is based on eight pupils sharing a table. We aim to make lunch time a pleasant social experience.


Due to changes in legislation our school menus now provide allergen information which will enable you to make safer food choices for your child.

If your child has special dietary requirements then please talk to your child’s class Teacher or ask in the office.


We cater for special diets, and as part of our procedures we do insist that you have a medical referral from your GP or a letter from your paediatric dietician. 

You will then meet with our school cook, Angie, to discuss your child’s individual needs.

Our menu displays allergy icons to help, please ask for an up to date menu or download the menu below.

Parental Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of parents to provide accurate information relating to any allergies/special diets (backed up by medical evidence where applicable) that their child may have/require. Children who do have medical needs will usually be under the care of a clinician and should be able to provide information confirming this, such as a letter from the hospital to the family. Parents need to be aware that they are responsible for providing the correct information on allergies which will need to be backed up with medical evidence, whether a simple letter from the pupil’s GP or letter from a consultant confirming the condition.


Universal Free School Meals

In addition to the free meal the Government are providing additional funding to our school for each pupil that is eligible for the Pupil Premium.  To ensure we capture all funds that are applicable to us, which will enable us to provide additional equipment, support and activities for the pupils, please complete the form ‘Application for Universal School Meals and Pupil Premium Funding’ and return it to school or go to the website

Pack lunch from home

Your child will need to bring their own pack lunch for the whole term. 

If you wish to provide your child with their own pack lunch please make sure your child's name is written on the outside of the lunchbox and that you provide a beaker for their drink. No fizzy drinks please. 

A sandwich or  pasta dish and two other items is enough for our young children. Please do not pack your child up with too much food or food that is difficult to eat. If you provide a yoghurt or similar pudding please include a spoon in their sandwich box. Children have approximately half an hour for eating their lunch and half an hour play. If your child needs more time to eat their food please talk to your child's class teacher.


Throughout lunchtime the children are supervised by lunchtime supervisors and school staff. Children having packed lunches also sit on tables of eight. Meals are eaten in the school hall and good manners and considerate behaviour are encouraged at all times. We have a special 'Top Table' in the hall on a Friday. Children who have been heard or seen being well mannered and polite get to sit on the Top Table and Mrs Dodd joins this group of children for lunch.

School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme

This is a government programme that entitles every child in our school to a piece of fruit or vegetable each school day.


Milk is provided free of charge to all our Foundation 1 (Nursery) children. On request we can order milk for our school children. This will be free to to children in receipt of Pupil Premium and a termly cost to all others.