Religious Education

Religious Education is taught in accordance with our Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus, whilst taking account of the school's ethos and Christian values and within the 1988 Education Act.  Christianity is the major focus, but we also teach about other faiths and respect for faithful living. 

Visits to places of worship and visits from guest speakers will be included as part of the curriculum.  These, along with the use of artefacts, story, drama and visual aids will be used to stimulate the children's knowledge and experience.  All parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education.  However before exercising their right of withdrawal, parents should discuss this matter with Mrs Dodd.

Religious Education is central to the understanding of education and our school.  The aims of Religious Education in our school are:

  • To enable pupils to encounter Christianity as the religion that shaped British culture and heritage and influences the lives of millions of people today
  • To enable pupils to learn about the other major religions, their impact on culture, art and history.
  • To develop understanding of religious faith as the search for and expression of truth
  • To contribute to the development of pupils' own spiritual convictions, exploring and enriching their own faith and beliefs


The outcomes for our pupils at the end of their infant education at Creswell are that they are able to:

  • Talk about ideas about God and discuss deep questions that face human beings
  • State important aspects of Christian belief, and explain why they are important for Christians
  • Appreciate the importance of the person of Jesus Christ for Christians
  • Listen and talk about Bible stories and to apply it to their life
  • Begin to make a thoughtful response to Christianity
  • Respect the faith of others, and value the journey of faith
  • Notice areas of similarities between faiths
  • Enrich and expand their understanding of truth