
Please go to our Fundraising tab for additional details of how School can benefit from your support.

The website where family and friends can help us to raise valuable funds by shopping online. Each time you make a purchase through this site a percentage is earned for the school. There is no need to register if you do not wish to, by simply clicking through to the shop you require earns us commission. There are hundreds of retailers to choose from (Asda, Toys ‘R’ Us, Debenhams, John Lewis, Ted Baker, New Look, Halfords – to name but a few) so before you ‘google’ for your Christmas shopping or your next big food shop, please check out this site to see if the retailer you need is listed. Click on the link http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/creswellcofe and then find the shop you require from the list. Happy Shopping and thank you.