Meet Our Governors

Our Chair of Governors, Mrs. Claire Senogles, can be contacted at:
FAO   Mrs. Senogles 
Chair of Governors 
Creswell C of E Infant and Nursery School
Gypsy Lane
S80 4HY
Telephone: 01909 721471
You can read some of our Governor Profiles in the section below.
Please feel free to say 'hello' and introduce yourself to them if you see them around school.

Hello! My name is Shirley Freeman and I am currently School Business Administrator and Clerk to the Governors at Creswell C of E Infant and Nursery School. As part of my role as Clerk to Governors, I have the responsibility for assembling the Governors together for their meetings, taking the minutes and keeping documentation up-to-date.

I joined the office team in September 2013 and thoroughly enjoy my role in administration.